Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions
1. Payments must be made in full at time of booking.
2. No amount paid to Maccabi London will be refunded if the facilities are not used on the day, or at the times for which they are hired.
3. Should any booking be cancelled by Maccabi London due to failure of the Hirer to comply with the Terms and Conditions, the fees paid will be retained by Maccabi London.
4. Refunds or transference of dates may be made up to 3 weeks before a booking is due to commence. No credit or refund will be given after this time.
5. Credits or refunds will only be given in the two following circumstances:
a) In the event of adverse weather conditions where the pitch is deemed unsuitable for play by Maccabi London staff.
b) In the event of Maccabi London cancelling an event or requiring the facility already booked by the hirer for another event, where individual arrangements will be made with the hirers.
6. Credits will only be valid for 3 calendar months from the date of the original booked event.
7. Customers must only use the specific area they have hired and paid for, for the allotted duration of time. Use of facilities outside of these boundaries are subject to a booking penalty fee equivalent to the hourly rate paid.
8. Correct footwear must be worn on the playing surface.
(NO STUDS OR BLADES on the Astro Turf pitch).
9. Unless otherwise directed, customers should use the main car park, Maccabi London takes no responsibility for valuables left in customers’ cars. We strongly advise customers not to park on Rowley Lane itself as you risk receiving a parking penalty.
10. You are wholly responsible for any First Aid that needs to be administered during your booking.
11. No antisocial, racial or discriminatory behaviour will be accepted, and Maccabi London reserve the right to cancel any booking with immediate effect if the Following conditions are not met:
a) Smoking, consumption of alcohol or food and chewing gum whilst inside the boundaries of the pitches are strictly prohibited, anyone caught doing the aforementioned will jeopardise this and all future bookings.
b) Unacceptable language / behaviour towards other players, officials and/ or Maccabi London staff will not be tolerated and will jeopardise this and all future bookings.
c) Customers causing damage to the facilities or equipment will be charged the full replacement cost and all future bookings will be cancelled until the
damage is paid for in full.
d) All customers must use the toilet facilities provided. Anyone using alternative means will result in immediate cancellation of the booking. Maccabi London does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage to any customer’s belongings whilst on the site.
Please make sure you follow Government advice:
1. A maximum of 6 people per area.
2. Please follow social distancing guidelines at all times.
3. Please stay at least 2m apart from other people at all times.
4. Please ensure you follow strict hygiene measures with all of your equipment.
We reserve the right to refuse entry or stop and terminate a session to anyone or group not following these guidelines.

©Copyright 2020 - Maccabi London - Review the Maccabi London Privacy Policy
Company Number (08158445) - Charity Number (1149701)